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How to Get Media Coverage For Your Fundraiser

We’re all familiar with the sad but heart-warming stories featured on the local news. Two mothers raise money to erase their local school’s lunch debt. A young woman finds a litter of kittens outside of her work and brings them home with her. There’s no denying that these stories inspire and make us proud of our community. So why not tap into that warm fuzzy feeling to help your next fundraiser be a success? We’ll show you how to get media coverage for your fundraiser and break down our top tips.

How to Get Media Attention For Your Cause

You may be wondering how to get press coverage for your fundraiser. First, we’re going to dive into how to get a story on the local news with unique ideas to help your fundraiser stand out.

The first step is to make sure your fundraiser stands out. A few simple ways to do that are to:

Fundraising Fact: Online fundraisers with a personalized video raise 105% more than those without, according to Fundly.

The next lesson on how to get media coverage for your fundraiser is all about social media. A great way to spread awareness is to share information about your fundraiser on social media. For those who may not feel super comfortable on social media don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to promote your fundraiser effectively. A few top tips include:

  • Tag local influencers and ask them to share your fundraiser with their social community
  • Use relevant hashtags to gain more reach
  • Share consistently – 1-2 times a week is a great start

Fundraising Fact: Fundly found that 12% of Facebook shares convert to donations.

This is your chance to give the media something to talk about. There’s no shortage of fundraising event ideas but try to find something related to your cause. For example, if you’re raising funds for a new track and field at the local high school consider hosting a fundraiser walk. Invite the local media to cover the event. Don’t forget to take lots of photos and videos to post on your online fundraiser and on social media.

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How to Contact A News Reporter

Now let’s talk about how to contact the media directly to get featured. This can feel intimidating, especially for those of us who don’t interact with the media a lot. But don’t worry we will teach you how to contact a news reporter and offer some do’s and don’ts from fundraiser organizers with media experience.

Remember reporters are looking for stories that fit their beat as well as the mission of the outlet they work for. This research will help your pitches go farther by catering them to the reporters you’re reaching out to. Some outlets will have their contact information on their website. Some journalists include their email in their social media bios. Compile all the contact information you can find in a list to help keep everything organized.


  • Create a list of relevant reporters and media outlets


  • Reach out to only 1 journalist or 1 media outlet – cast your net wide

We understand that in the midst of everything else you’re doing that this step may feel unnecessary to some. But did you know according to Buzzstream 64% of writers believe it is important to create a connection before sending your pitch? This simple step could unlock the press coverage your fundraiser deserves.


  • Interact with their content by liking, commenting, or sharing it
  • Focus on LinkedIn and Twitter since journalists use those platforms the most


  • Tag them in other people’s content that isn’t relevant to your story

Buzzstream found that 44% of journalists get at least 20 pitches each day. So how do you make your pitch stand out? One of the most important parts of this step is to make sure you’re pitching your story and not an issue. The personal aspects of your fundraiser are what will make it compelling to a reporter. Not to mention those personal details can bring an issue to life.


  • Introduce yourself and anyone who is involved in the fundraiser
  • Tell your story – the who, what, where, and why
  • Include photos and videos to grab their attention
  • Show them that you’re familiar with their work


  • Bury the lead – be as clear as possible
  • Add unnecessary details that muddy the story
  • Don’t exaggerate – stick to the facts

So you’ve polished your fundraiser, researched journalists, wrote your pitches, and sent them out, now what? If a journalist hasn’t gotten back to you in about a week, you should follow up with a short message. Remember the newsroom is always bustling so they may need a reminder before getting back to you.


  • Ask if there is any additional information you can provide
  • Thank the reporters for reading about your story
  • Provide your contact information so they can follow up


  • Don’t spam reporters excessively

Press Coverage Drives Donations

Now that you know how to get press coverage you’re ready to drive awareness to your fundraiser. At AngeLink we’ve seen media coverage double the donations for fundraisers. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet and beat your fundraising goal with the help of media coverage. For more fundraising tips check out the AngelNotes blog. If you have any fundraising questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Love team.

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