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The Best Fundraiser Title Tips to Inspire Donations

The success of an online fundraiser doesn’t start with how much money you raise. It starts with the fundraiser title. Your title is the first interaction potential donors have with your online fundraiser. You have a few seconds to make them want to read more. An eye-catching title makes all the difference! To succeed, you want to attract donors’ attention.

Compelling Fundraiser Names Boost Success

Start by creating a list of potential fundraiser names. Refine them until you have the best title! Erase any filler words that don’t contribute to the meaning of your fundraiser title.

Our #1 Tip for a Strong Title

Your title is an important search engine optimization tool. Donors are more likely to find your fundraiser if you include keywords. You want to choose words donors will search for.

But, what exactly is a keyword?

A keyword is a word or phrase that potential donors might use to find your fundraiser. For example, if you’re raising money for a new community garden, some relevant keywords could be “community” or “garden.” To find the right keywords for your fundraiser title, start by thinking of words and phrases that describe your fundraiser.

Make sure to highlight who the funds are for, why they need the funds, and how they will use them. Use words that are easy to read and inspire direct action.

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7 Fundraiser Title Tips to Capture Donor’s Attention

A great title can make all the difference in whether your fundraiser is successful. Here are seven tips to help you generate fundraiser title ideas:

You have a limited amount of characters to capture the attention of your audience. So, make every word count! For example, if you live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids, one of them might be raising money for college tuition. In that case, you could create a fundraiser to help them out.

  • Weak title: “Mia’s college tuition”
  • Strong title: “Send Mia Smith to Stanford this Fall!”

Don’t be vague or confusing. State who the funds are for and why they need the funds. Then, explain how you will use the funds. Use words that are easy to read and inspire action.

To make it searchable, use your full name as the fundraiser and the full name of the beneficiary (if it’s not yourself). This will help potential donors find your fundraiser easily.

To make your fundraiser title searchable, you will want to use strong keywords. Words describing what your online fundraiser is about. This will help potential donors understand what they are donating to and why it’s important.

Before you decide on your fundraiser title, ask for feedback from friends and family. See if they understand what the fundraiser is for and if the title inspires them to donate. If not, keep brainstorming until you find the best title!

Your fundraiser title is an opportunity to be creative! Think outside the box and come up with something unique!

As you review, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it make the reader want to know more?
  • Does it inspire action?
  • Will others want to share it?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then you have a strong title!

Consider adding a hashtag to your title. It’s a great way to make it easy for your supporters to follow your fundraiser across all social media platforms is to use a hashtag. For more tips read How to Come Up With a Fundraiser Hashtag.

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3 Fundraiser Title Idea Examples For Inspiration

The Girl Who Lived!

“The Girl Who Lived” is a creation from Karen Hatz, who has been living with the diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer her whole life. Recently, she started raising money for Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital. This hospital helps a lot of patients with cancer.

Her fundraising title is a fun play on Harry Potter, or “The Boy Who Lived.” It also makes you want to read more because donors are curious about what ailment she is overcoming.

Help Deb Be Mobile Again

Deb has been stuck in a hospital bed since August, unable to move. She fell from the back of an ambulance onto asphalt at the base of her driveway while strapped to a stretcher.

This caused her left elbow to shatter, and she had severe bruising along her entire left side.The “Help Deb Be Mobile Again” fundraiser has already collected over $7,500 of a $13,000 goal to cover Deb's expenses to be mobile again. This fundraiser title is terrific because it is a call to action! It asks donors to “help.” This encourages involvement and contributions.

Funeral Expenses for Matt Sullivan

Matt Sullivan passed away while on his honeymoon with his wife Valerie. They recently became engaged on September 3, 2022, and traveled for their celebration. The fundraiser began after the shocking news to Matt and his wife's family.

To attract donors, answer questions they may have in your title. What is the fundraiser for? Funeral expenses. Who is it for? Matt Sullivan. This fundraiser title answers the important questions.

Ready to Start Your Own Fundraiser?

With a fundraising platform like AngeLink, you can start a fundraiser in no time. All you need is a fundraiser title, description, photo, and video (optional). Once you have those, you can launch your fundraiser in minutes! Our easy-to-use tools like built-in fundraiser fliers with a QR code, simple social media sharing and 24/7 customer support make online fundraising easy. Read all about How AngeLink Is Solving Common Fundraising Problems.

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