Nonprofit 4/5/2024 Miami Beach, FL
Angel Rodriguez is raising money on behalf of Angelink Community Foundation
Raised: $725 of $10,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Welcome to our fundraiser in support of the military hospitality lounge at the Miami International Airport! Our mission is to provide a comfortable and welcoming space for military personnel, veterans, and their families as they wait for their flights. With your generous support, we can ensure that this vital resource remains open and accessible to those who have served our country selflessly. Our lounge offers a variety of amenities including recliners, cold/hot snacks, beverages, computer and Wi-Fi access, TV, and a lounge library. With the help of dedicated volunteers, we are able to keep our doors open 362 days a year, providing a place of respite for an average of 1,350 guests each month. However, our operational expenses are increasing due to the consistently high number of visitors, and we need your help to continue offering these essential services. By donating to our fundraiser, you are directly contributing to the comfort and well-being of our military community. Join us in m...

Angelink Community Foundation
Angel Rodriguez


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