Vic - Help Her Get Out Safely

Vic - Help Her Get Out Safely

Loved Ones 9/27/2024 Lincoln Park, NJ
Matthew Gray is raising money on behalf of Vic Tamian.
Goal: $30,000
Fundraiser Story
Hello, In April 2024, following a confrontation with Vic's husband, years of mental and controlling abuse escalated into physical violence when he purposefully hit her with his car. Her husband, whose name will remain undisclosed, exerts control over every aspect of her life—from finances to social connections, even down to the smallest details. He deliberately isolates her from their pets, subjecting them to neglect and abuse. After 13 years together, the situation has reached a breaking point. He monitored her every move through security cameras, even keeping an eye on her at her own business. At times, he would lock her out of her own security system and listen in on her conversations. He meticulously tracked her comings and goings, taking notes on when she left and returned home. Working from home and rarely venturing out. He would drive by her business to check on her. He without her consent went through all her emails, opened her mail, and tracked her phone. Every aspect of he...

Vic Tamian
Matthew Gray


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