Help for Baby Winnie

Help for Baby Winnie

Animals 6/30/2024 Lakewood, CO
Hilary French is raising money for this fundraiser.
Raised: $20 of $5,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
This fundraiser is for Winnie, Winnie has had it rough from the very beginning, she was found in a garbage can inside a plastic bag. Someone had thrown her away like a piece of trash. The Vet said she was probably less than 6 weeks old. Winnie has been an amazing addition to my family since rescuing her. She is so incredibly sweet! She only wants to love and be loved. Winnie has an undiagnosed health issue, there are so many tests and procedures that need to be done to determine what is wrong and how it can be treated. Our family needs help raising funds in order to begin paying for all these things. We are remaining hopeful that the generosity of good people can help us overcome this obstacle and get Winnie on the road to the happy and healthy life she deserves. She has brought so much joy to us and she is a constant reminder of how precious life is. She is a fighter and we are fighting for her!

Hilary French


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