Zaylee's National Youth Leadership Forum Fundraise

Zaylee's National Youth Leadership Forum Fundraise

Education 10/26/2022 Millcreek, UT
Ashley Forbes is raising money for this fundraiser.
Raised: $600 of $4,500 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Zaylee was nominated by her science teacher to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum: Explore STEM. She was accepted to go next summer to a 6 day forum where she will get firsthand experiences in the STEM fields. The Tuition is $2945 and we have to pay for her flight to and from Chicago, Illinois. Her tuition covers room and board at Loyola University and 2 meals/day in addition to the learning experiences. But she will have to pay for the 3rd meal each day as well as any snacks or souvenirs. This is a huge opportunity to represent her jr high school. Thank you so much for your donation big or small, it will all help!!

Ashley Forbes


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