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Media Interview Tips For Online Fundraiser Organizers

Congratulations! You landed an interview with the media to talk about your fundraiser. Press coverage will help get your story out and drive donations. We’ll cover our top media interview tips from our PR team so you can ace your interview.

How to Prepare For A Media Interview

Remember that the journalist asked for an interview because they want to learn more about you, your story and your fundraiser. The interview will be conversational so don’t worry about preparing and memorizing a speech. You know your story better than anyone else so speak from the heart. The first question typically asks you to say your name and spell it. Try to use this moment to take a deep breath and calm yourself.

A great option for interviews is business casual. But the most important thing is that you feel comfortable. When it comes to media interview prep don’t worry too much about dressing to impress. You want to draw attention to your story and your fundraiser so focus on that instead of prepping for a fashion show.

Being prepared with your talking points will help reduce any nerves and also helps ensure you don’t miss anything important. When writing your notes, think about answering questions like why you’re fundraising and why it’s important for your community. It can also be helpful to prepare statistical information that is relevant to your story and cause. Just make sure to cite your sources to the journalist.

The most important thing to mention is where your fundraiser is located and what its title is so that people can easily find it. The easier it is to find, the more likely a person is to donate. Try to mention your “AngeLink fundraiser” at least three times in your interview.

For example:

  • “I started my AngeLink fundraiser because…”
  • “My AngeLink fundraiser is important because…”
  • “I’m excited that community members are donating to my AngeLink fundraiser because….”

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Use Our Media Interview Prep Tips For Success

Now you’re prepped and ready to nail your interview. Getting your fundraiser in the media to promote your fundraiser will help get more eyes on your cause and increase donations.

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