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How to Create an Effective Fundraiser Hashtag

Fundraiser hashtags allow people to find and follow fundraisers on social media. Hashtags create a way for you to reach new people online. Many social media platforms use them, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even Pinterest.

Hashtags generate buzz about fundraisers and make them stand out! Anyone involved with your cause can use the same hashtag on their social media posts to show support. Their posts become free advertisements for your cause and spread awareness.

Benefits of Using a Fundraiser Hashtag

Hashtags create a way for people who might not be following you already to find your fundraiser. This is especially important if you want to reach a wider audience. When someone searches for fundraising hashtags, they will find a list of posts.

For example, #marchforbabies promotes the nonprofit March of Dimes fundraiser. Participants from the walk can post and share the hashtag on their feeds.

Hashtags encourage social media engagement and let users find your content. You can leverage hashtags to promote donations and increase awareness for your fundraiser. For additional tips read How to Promote Your Fundraiser.

If your fundraiser hashtag is popular enough, it has the potential to become a trending topic. This means that the hashtag is being talked about by many people at the same time. It appears in the “trending” section of the platform.

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5 Tips for Coming Up With a Fundraiser Hashtag

The shorter the hashtag, the easier it is for people to remember and use.

You want people to remember your hashtag. It needs to be specific to your cause and fundraising goals. Create a memorable and identifiable hashtag! You can do this by using a pun, wordplay or rhyming words.

Include keywords that relate to your fundraiser. This will help people find your fundraiser when they search for related content.

Spaces can make it difficult for people to use your hashtag. Try to use one word or abbreviations.

Before you settle on a fundraiser hashtag, do a quick search on social media to make sure it’s not in use. You don’t want to use a hashtag that is already associated with another fundraiser or cause.

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Examples of Fundraising Hashtags

You want to make fundraising hashtags specific, unique, and easy to remember. With a little creativity, you can think of hashtags that will attract donors. Here are some of our favorite examples to inspire you!

  • #donateforacause
  • #fundraisingforacure
  • #raisingmoneyformissions
  • #supportthetroops
  • #feedthehungry
  • #buildahome

Specific vs. Non-specific Hashtags

Make your fundraiser hashtag as specific as possible. The more specific your hashtag is, the easier it will be for people to find and follow your fundraiser.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you are raising money to promote reading among children in low-income areas. A specific fundraiser hashtag might be:

  • #raiseareader
  • #donatetoreading
  • #fundraisingforliteracy
  • #literacymatters

But, a less specific fundraiser hashtag might be:

  • #fundraiser
  • #help
  • #donate

These hashtags are not incorrect, but they will make it harder for people to find your fundraiser. Many other fundraisers could use these same hashtags. If many fundraisers use the same hashtag, their posts could mix together.

How to Create a Hashtag to Increase Local Support

If you’re looking to create a hashtag to increase local support, here are some tips:

People who search for local content will be more likely to find your fundraiser.

If your city or town has a nickname or certain slang terms, include these in your hashtag. This will help people who are familiar with the area find and follow your fundraiser.

If you’re raising money for a specific event in your city or town include the event name in your hashtag. People interested in your event can find and follow your fundraiser.

Using keywords in your hashtag can help people find your fundraiser.

Again, the more unique your hashtag is, the easier it will be for people to find and follow your fundraiser.

Examples of local support hashtags:

  • #Bostonstrong (for fundraisers supporting Boston after the marathon bombings)
  • #Sandyhookpromise (a fundraiser supporting the Sandy Hook Promise. This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing gun violence.)
  • #givebackchicago (for a fundraiser supporting the Chicago community)

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Now You’re Ready to Create Your Own Fundraiser Hashtag

A fundraiser hashtag is a specific, unique, and easy-to-remember hashtag. With a little imagination, you can come up with a hashtag that will attract contributors. Use the tips and examples in this article to create a memorable hashtag for your next fundraiser. And don’t forget, the most important thing is to have fun and be creative!

Make your first step with AngeLink! We offer features to help you plan and manage your fundraiser, including built-in fundraising tools, simplified sharing, an easy-to-use app and more. Learn more about How AngeLink Is Solving Common Fundraising Problems.

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