Women Empowered

She’s Turning Trash into Affordable Housing

Nzambi Matee recognized two massive problems in Nairobi, Kenya.  The first was mounds of discarded plastic piled in ditches, rivers, fields, beaches, and roads. The second was an acute need for housing.  With her new start-up, she’s solving both.   Bright…

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Women Empowered

Access to Capital for Women in Business

You probably know a woman who runs her own business. Think for a minute. Okay, got one? Good! Your aunt, hairdresser, former swim coach, or whoever you’re thinking of, is one of 11.6 million female business owners in the U.S. …

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Women Empowered

7 Facts About Women Coders

There is a lot of buzz around the topic of gender equality. Are we there yet? Are men and women finally equal? Well, the answer might surprise you. According to a global software developer survey conducted in 2021, an overwhelming…

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Women Empowered

She’s Challenging China’s 996 Culture

Okay, let’s start with the basics: What is China’s 996 culture?  ‘996’ is a reference to the expected work schedule in many Chinese tech and internet companies—employees arrive at 9 am and work until 9 pm, 6 days a week. …

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