Four people enjoying a group hug in a field.

Many families struggle to make ends meet and provide for their loved ones. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 10.2 percent (13.5 million) of U.S. homes were low on food during 2021. Some homes do not have enough food for all family members. This can lead to malnutrition and illness.

Even if a family is able to eat well, unexpected illnesses can occur. Many families may not know how to start a fundraiser or where to turn to for help. Treatments are expensive, especially when it comes to cancer.

When a family is dealing with cancer, they have a lot of financial problems to worry about. As a family friend, you may want to help raise money for their treatments. You can help a friend with cancer by starting an online fundraiser.

Starting a fundraiser for a family in need can make their lives easier. Make sure to get the family’s permission before starting a fundraiser on their behalf. Engage community members to support the cause and maximize the impact.

The fundraiser’s goal is to help with the costs of medicine or anything else the family may need. There are many types of donations. Keep reading to learn about the different types and how you can get started!

Different Types of Donations for a Family In Need

If you want to help, there are different types of donations for a family in need. You can be a part of the family’s journey and help them in any way you can. Even if you contribute a small amount, every donation helps.

Small donations add up over time to benefit the family. We know why fundraising is important and how it benefits families. Get started by collecting these different types of donations. Connecting with local businesses for support can also be a significant way to raise funds.

Monetary Donation

You can make a monetary donation to help cover the costs of medicine and food or consider raising money through various fundraising activities. Plus, anything else the family may need.

Another way to help a family in need is by donating gift cards. Gift cards cover the costs of groceries, gas, and other everyday expenses. They will not have to worry about how to pay for these expenses. Whatever you decide to do, know that you are making a difference in the lives of those who need it the most.

Donors can contribute money on an online fundraising page. They can also specify if they want certain amounts to go on gift cards for the family.


You can also donate food or other necessities to the family. Organizing a fundraising event to collect food donations can be especially helpful if the family is struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table.

Contact the family and see if they need specific food items. On an online fundraising page, you can put the items needed in the description. When people donate, they can specify if they want their donation to go towards certain items.


Some families might need clothing donations. You can help them save money and have one less thing to worry about. Consider involving kids in the process by having kids collect donations, making it a fun and engaging activity for them.

You can contact the family to see what clothing items they need. Donors can sign up to donate certain items on an online fundraising page. This is a great way to track what the family still needs and check what people are buying for the family.

You want to make sure everyone in the family has an equal amount of clothing items. One child should not feel left out or not as special. An online fundraising page can keep all the information updated in one place. So, donors know what and how much to contribute.


If you are unable to contribute in one of these ways, you can donate your time to support the local community. This can be especially helpful if the family is struggling to keep up with everything. You can offer to help with childcare, cooking, cleaning, or anything else they need.

Use an online fundraising page to sign up for time slots. Donors can help the family with different activities. They can also have the option to contribute money.

How to Start a Fundraiser for a Family In Need

Now, you know what types of donations you can collect to help a family in need. Consider organizing a classic fundraiser such as a bake sale or car wash to attract more donors. Fundraising for a family in need can be a great way to help them through difficult times.

So, how do you start a fundraiser? Follow our steps below!

1. Get the Family’s Permission First

This is the most important step! Before starting a fundraiser, it is important to get the family’s permission first. You want the family to be comfortable with the idea. They might not want people to know about their situation. So, make sure they are on board and want to participate. 

2. Figure Out What Kind of Fundraiser You Want to Do

There are many different types of fundraisers you can do. For example, you can have a bake sale, car wash, or yard sale. These are just a few fundraising ideas to get you started. A great fundraising idea could be hosting a Cupcake Wars or Recipe Book Sales. Online fundraisers are great to get the word out about your event. Another option is a shoe drive fundraiser, which is a kid-friendly way to raise funds and encourage participation from classmates, friends, and families.

Take some time to find out what fundraiser would work best for the family. Crowdfunding is a great choice for many people because it is an easy way to raise money online. There are different types of crowdfunding you can choose from. Plus, you can share the fundraiser through social media platforms.

Set Up Your Online Fundraising Event

Once you have chosen the type of fundraiser you want to do, it is time to set up your online fundraising page. This is where people will be able to donate money to the family. 

AngeLink is a great option for crowdfunding. We allow you to create a campaign, set a goal, and accept donations. 

It’s easy to get started! First, you should set up your fundraiser description. You can provide information like the family’s story and a photo. Make sure to include the fundraising goal and where the money will go.

For help read How to Start a Fundraiser Online.

4. Spread the Word

Once your fundraiser is set up, it is time to start sharing it with others. You can share it on social media, through email, or by word of mouth. The more people you can reach, the better chance you have of reaching your fundraising goal.

For our best tips read How to Promote a Fundraiser: Tips for Sharing Online and Offline.

Make An Impact for a Family In Need

Fundraising for a family in need is a great way to help them out during a difficult time. To maximize the impact, consider looking into top fundraising ideas like a read-a-thon. These are highly effective and profitable for generating significant funds for schools or any organization. They can help with medical expenses, living expenses, or anything else the family may need.

When starting a fundraiser, it is important to get the family’s permission first. Then, decide what type of fundraiser to do. Once you have a plan, set up an online fundraising page and start spreading the word. The more people you can reach, the better chance you have of reaching your fundraising goal.

If you need more information on how to start a fundraiser for a family, please contact us at AngeLink. We would be more than happy to help out.