Funerals are a trying time in people’s lives. Dealing with a loss is a difficult time that puts a strain on your life. The financial obligations that come with it can add to the upset. The last thing you want to think about is if you can afford to give your loved one a proper funeral that meets their wishes.
According to LHLIC, the average cost of a funeral with burial is between $7,000 and $12,000. This doesn’t include other additional costs like monument markers and cemetery fees. With all of these different costs, the number can quickly become overwhelming.
This can feel like a big weight during a time that is already overwhelming. It’s important to remember there are ways to get help with funeral and burial costs.One way to help ease the financial burden is to turn to online fundraising. Not only does it allow you to get financial help, but it’s a great way to allow loved ones to come together and pay tribute to their lost loved one. You can reach a larger network of people who are touched by your story. You may not know where to start, but we have compiled funeral fundraiser wording examples below to give you a jumping-of point.
Tips For Writing a Fundraiser Title For a Funeral
When starting your fundraiser, the first thing to do is write a fundraiser title. You want to set the tone for the fundraiser while being clear and genuine. You can be as concise or descriptive as you would like, but remember you will have space to tell your loved one’s story. Let’s take a look at some funeral fundraiser title examples.
Keep the Title Clear
While funerals are an emotional time, you want to be sure people know what they are donating to and what the funds will be used for. However, you want to avoid having a lack of personal connection. The funeral fundraiser wording tips and examples below can help you balance clarity and an emotional connection
Use a Warm Tone
When writing a funeral fundraiser title, it’s important to keep the subject matter in mind. You want your fundraiser title for a funeral to have a more emotional connection and evoke thoughts of the relationship with your loved one. Words like “tribute” and “memory” are great words to keep the tone you want.
Show the Connection
Use words that show the person’s impact and legacy. Using phrases like a job title, a title held within a local organization, or a reference to their hometown gives donors a potential connection point.
Funeral Fundraiser Title Examples
Taking these tips into account, here are a few examples for inspiration!
- Memorial Fund for a Local LA Hero
- Donate in Memory of Sarah
- Help with Kevin’s Funeral
- Donate to Local Councilman’s Funeral
- Beloved Community Member’s Funeral Expenses
For additional tips read The Best Fundraiser Title Tips to Inspire Donations.
How to Word a Funeral Fundraiser
Once you have decided on your title, it’s time to write your loved one’s story in a way that engages donors.
Write Your Loved One’s Story
Trying to decide how to word a funeral fundraiser can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be daunting. Think of it this way, you’re simply showing what they meant to you and the community. Donors want to connect with you and your fundraiser. You don’t need to have an elaborate story or the perfect wording, it’s important that it feels genuine and honest. This moves right into the next funeral fundraiser writing tip.
For example, “We were shocked by the sudden loss of John and want to give him the funeral he deserves. We also want to allow Emily and the kids to grieve their loss without worrying about everyday expenses. Please donate what you can to help our dear friends during their difficult time.”
Use a Conversational Tone
It may feel like you have to write your loved one’s story in a certain way to get donations. But when it comes to writing a funeral fundraiser story, you want to keep it natural and true to yourself. Readers want to feel like they’re truly reading your story and not a marketing campaign that was written to persuade them.
For example, “John was an active member of the community. You could always find him helping with the annual Memorial Day Parade or offering a hand as a handyman for his neighbors. When he had free time, he loved to spend time playing basketball with his kids or working on his car.”
Focus on the Importance of the Funeral
Everyone wants to give their loved ones a proper burial and end-of-life celebration. Explain in your story why this funeral means so much to you and your loved ones. It’s also helpful to include an itemized list of the expenses associated with the funeral. Your supporters want to know how their donations are helping to cover the costs. This can include the service, burial costs, and any other associated memorial costs. This can also include funds for the family to recover from the loss of a loved one.
For example, “John’s sudden passing meant that there were no preparations made ahead of time. We are asking for donations to cover the costs associated with his service and burial so Emily and their children can grieve without the added stress of an additional financial burden.”
For more advice check out Learn How to Write a Fundraising Story: Template & Examples.
Funeral Fundraiser Wording Examples
Angelink is a great place to host your funeral fundraiser. We have several funeral fundraiser wording examples on the site that you can model yours after. Take a look at the funeral fundraisers below to see examples of strong funeral fundraiser wording.
Scotty Scott’s Funeral and other expenses
This is a great example of a funeral fundraiser title and story. The title is very clear and explains what the fundraiser is covering. When you get into the story, the tone is warm and heartfelt. The organizer explains the impact of Scotty and why this fundraiser is needed. She also explains what the funds are being used for in addition to the funeral expenses.
Jasmine Riggs Funeral Services
This is another funeral fundraiser that is very well written. Starting with the title, it is clear what the fundraiser is for. The organizer writes Jasmine’s story beautifully, explaining why they want to raise funds for her funeral services. She explains the importance of the funeral to her friends and family.
Deciding on Your Funeral Fundraiser Wording
It can be scary to put yourself and your loved ones out there and ask for help. Don’t let that stop you from getting the support you need.By following these tips and taking inspiration from the funeral fundraiser wording examples above, you can write a fundraiser that will help you give your loved one the funeral service that they deserve.
For more funeral fundraiser tips read Heartfelt Funeral and Memorial Fundraising Ideas and How to Start a Memorial Fund to Honor A Loved One.