Marli Blackman and Associates

Marli Blackman and Associates

Loved Ones 6/2/2024 Grosse Pointe, MI
Marli Blackman and Associates is raising money on behalf of Justice for Tyler Johnson .
Raised: $350 of $50,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Support the Johnson Family in Seeking Justice for Tyler On February 11, 2024, Tyler Johnson was tragically murdered at the Southfield Westin Hotel. Despite the efforts of Southfield detectives, Tyler's family needs additional resources to conduct an extended investigation and uncover the truth. We are reaching out to the community for support. Your donation will directly fund investigative efforts, helping the Johnson family seek the justice Tyler deserves. Every contribution brings us one step closer to finding answers and ensuring justice for Tyler and his grieving family. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Justice for Tyler Johnson
Marli Blackman and Associates


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