Angels for Animals

Angels for Animals

Nonprofit 4/22/2024 Naples, FL
Angelink Community Foundation is raising money on behalf of The Aspinall Foundation
Raised: $1,097 of $3,000,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
My grandfather started The Aspinall Foundation, an internationally renowned and completely unique animal conservation charity, to help protect endangered animals and rewild captive animals. My family and I have carried on this commitment to conservation, through rewilding native species, innovative new breeding programs, education and reintroduction. As an animal charity, we work in some of the world’s most fragile environments to save endangered animals and return them to the wild. We protect over a million acres of wilderness around the world. Over the past few years, we've rescued and released nearly two thousand animals from captivity back to the wild -where they belong in the Congo, Gabon South Africa Zimbabwe Tanzania Madagascar and Java where we've released 8 black rhino, 350 primates, 11 European bison, 10 cheetah over 70 western lowland gorillas and many other species back to the wild. We believe that animals deserve to live in their natural environments, free from ...

The Aspinall Foundation
Angelink Community Foundation


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