In Memory of Genesta Humphrey and Jillian Coatney

In Memory of Genesta Humphrey and Jillian Coatney

Memorial 4/5/2023 Monkey Island, OK
Rhonda Richison is raising money on behalf of Rhonda Richison.
Raised: $5,310 of $15,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Sisters, Genesta Humphrey and Jillian Coatney died tragically on April 4, 2023 as result of a drunken driver who chose to get behind the wheel. Genesta 28, and Jillian 24, were just setting out on their own paths after a difficult and at times painful start in life. Losing their mother at a young age provided many challenges that they learned to cope with and overcome with the support of family and friends throughout the years. This most recent year provided them with a fresh start to learn, grow, and discover the kind of people they wanted to be. They worked each day to support one another and did all they could to take care of each other right up until their lives were taken from them. Genesta and Jillian's family would appreciate any support that you could provide to help lay them to rest.

Rhonda Richison
Rhonda Richison


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