Help Cristina and Her Daughters Rebuild After a Devastating Fire

Help Cristina and Her Daughters Rebuild After a De...

Emergency 9/19/2024 Hoboken, NJ
Cristina Ortiz is raising money on behalf of Cristina Ortiz.
Raised: $25,025 of $30,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Dear friends, family, and kind-hearted strangers, Today, my cousin Cristina and her two beautiful daughters experienced an unimaginable tragedy. Their home was completely destroyed in a fire, and they lost everything—clothes, furniture, cherished memories, and belongings. Thankfully, they are safe, but now they are left with nothing and facing the overwhelming task of starting over from scratch. As a single mother with left with no parents to lean on, Cristina has always worked hard to provide for her girls. Now, with their home and all their possessions gone, she’s in need of help. The road ahead will be incredibly difficult, and we’re reaching out to our community for any support you can offer. Every little bit will help Cristina and her daughters rebuild their lives—whether it’s to find temporary housing, replace basic necessities, or get back on their feet. No donation is too small, and even sharing this page would mean the world to us. Cristina has always been there fo...

Cristina Ortiz
Cristina Ortiz


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