In Memory of Linda C. Bobo (Aldrich)

In Memory of Linda C. Bobo (Aldrich)

Memorial 12/11/2023 Saint Johnsville, NY
Ashleigh Fischer is raising money on behalf of Diana L. Dermott.
Raised: $630 of $10,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Hello. My name is Ashleigh, and I am Linda Bobo's oldest granddaughter. Late, on December 8th, 2023, our family was met with tragedy when we were unexpectedly faced with one of the most difficult and emotional decisions one might have to make for somebody they love. Lynn, as most of you probably already know, had a long, progressive history of poor health conditions. A few of her major life battles were Diabetes, multiple heart attacks and strokes, stage 5 dementia and copius amounts of injuries throughout the last few decades of her life. These injuries eventually led her to be wheelchair-bound for many years. In the end, she had congestive heart failure while recovering from a major surgery at Albany Med. She was there for 4 days, having a peripheral artery bypass done on her legs due to her right leg not having proper blood flow in and out of the toes, which in turn, made them turn purple. The surgery went well, and she was slowly coming out of anesthesia. She recieved multipl...

Diana L. Dermott
Ashleigh Fischer


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