The Kneller Family: A Vision of Hope

The Kneller Family: A Vision of Hope

Medical 3/14/2024 Knoxville, TN
Timothy Kneller is raising money on behalf of Timothy & Alexis Kneller.
Raised: $26,000 of $50,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Dear friends, As a long-time friend of Timothy and Alexis Kneller, I am seeking your help and support to rally our community around the Kneller family. They are living through an incredibly tragic health crisis affecting BOTH of their precious children, 2 year old Thomas and 7 month old Vivienne. This unbelievable journey began when Alexis and Timothy noticed something unusual in the eyes of two month old Vivienne. The next five months have been long, complicated and ultimately heart wrenching. They have seen many doctors and specialists taking them from Knoxville and then to Nashville where the specialist confirmed Timothy and Alexis’ worst nightmare. Vivienne has Retinoblastoma.  Retinoblastoma is a rare form of cancer which starts in the retina at the back of the eye. Retinoblastoma makes up 2% of all cancers diagnosed in children before the age of 15. Statistically, 3 children in a million have this disease, and 200-300 cases a year are diagnosed in the US. Of these cases 1 in e...

Timothy & Alexis Kneller
Timothy Kneller


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