Donate in memory of Bellezza Squillace

Donate in memory of Bellezza Squillace

Memorial 9/19/2024 Monolith, CA
Marisa Folse is raising money on behalf of Bellezza Squillace.
Raised: $225 of $20,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
We are here to celebrate the life and legacy of our beloved Bellezza Squillace, who left us unexpectedly on September 5th, 2024. Bellezza was not just a teacher, but a true artist who poured her heart into creating stunning quilts and embroidery that touched the lives of everyone she met. Her passing has left a void in the hearts of her family, friends, and colleagues that can never be filled. As Bellezza's life partner, it is my privilege to carry on her creative work and fulfill her unfinished projects. Together with other family members, our goal is to complete her beautiful creations and ensure that they reach the hands of those she intended them for. This will allow us to honor her memory and find solace in the midst of this tragedy without the burden of day-to-day expenses. The reminders of Bellezza's passion for giving are all around us, and we are determined to carry forward her legacy of love, creativity, and generosity. Your support is vital in helping us make Bellezza's wish...

Bellezza Squillace
Marisa Folse


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