Hurricane Idalia Angel Grant Relief Fund

Hurricane Idalia Angel Grant Relief Fund

Nonprofit 8/30/2023 Naples, FL
Angelink Community Foundation is raising money on behalf of Angelink Community Foundation
Goal: $50,000
Fundraiser Story
Hurricane Idalia has critically impacted thousands of people in the Southeast US with severe flooding and destruction of homes and businesses. Our AngeLink Community Foundation, 501(c)(3), is raising funds to support families, individuals, small businesses and community organizations to provide emergency funds, temporary housing, disaster recovery and humanitarian relief for those directly impacted by Hurricane Idalia. All funds raised will be given to help provide direct and immediate aid to those most affected in the hardest hit areas devastated by Hurricane Idalia. Please donate and share The Hurricane Idalia Angel Grant Relief Fund to show your love and support for those most severely impacted by Hurricane Idalia’s destruction. The AngeLink Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. AngeLink has distributed more than $3M in donations since 2022, including more than $500,000 following Hurricane Ian’s devastation of southwestern Florid...

Angelink Community Foundation
Angelink Community Foundation


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