Paying Tribute to the Life of Josiah Grant-Cedeno

Paying Tribute to the Life of Josiah Grant-Cedeno

Memorial 9/1/2024 Newtown, PA
Wendy Somers is raising money on behalf of Natalie Grant.
Raised: $21,526 of $10,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Saturday evening, August 31, 2024, 12-year-old Josiah Grant-Cedeno was riding a bike when he was struck by a vehicle. Sadly, after being transported to the hospital, Josiah succumbed to his injuries. We hope you will join us in sending love and healing to Josiah’s mother, Natalie Grant, Josiah’s father, Jason Cedeno, and the rest of his family during this heartbreaking time no parent or family should ever have to experience. We are raising money to assist with funeral costs, arrangements, and everyday expenses as the family deals with Josiah’s loss. We want to allow Natalie, Jason, and Josiah's siblings to grieve their loss without the added stress of additional financial burdens. Please donate what you can to help them during their difficult time. Please feel free to share this link to others. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and generosity.

Natalie Grant
Wendy Somers


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