Faith Ray and her family still need our help.

Faith Ray and her family still need our help.

Medical 12/23/2023 Miami, FL
Team Faith is raising money on behalf of Faith Ray.
Raised: $6,164 of $10,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Meet Faith, my brave 7 yr old patient. I met this family as a home health nurse, in 2021. Faith's resilience is remarkable. Born with lifelong medical complications and abandoned as an infant, Faith found her guardian angel in Lisa, a dedicated pediatric emergency PA at the hospital where Faith was receiving treatment. Lisa refused to give up on her, nurturing her and building up her strength enough to walk and talk. Something her doctors once said she might not ever be able to achieve. Lisa eventually adopted baby Faith and later Mya, another medically challenged baby. Now Mya is 4 and a powerhouse of energy and affection, thriving. This loving family lives for moments outside the hospital—parks, church, concerts, and boat rides. Lisa takes them on all kinds of adventures and the girls make friends wherever they go. Lisa, a tireless single mother, is always ensuring the best care for Faith. Amid constant treatments and interrupted sleep from respirator alarms, she struggles to sha...

Faith Ray
Fundraising Team: Team Faith


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