Princess Clare's Philly Fund

Princess Clare's Philly Fund

Medical 9/6/2024 Buffalo, NY
Heidi Lowitzer is raising money on behalf of Clare MacDonell.
Raised: $12,435 of $15,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Our sweet and joyful Princess Clare has been diagnosed with a rare cancer of the eye called Retinoblastoma. As a happy-go-lucky 3 year old Clare enjoys Barbies and Bluey, dancing and the color pink! She was all set to start dance class and gymnastics this fall, but now will be traveling to Philadelphia's Wills Eye Hospital, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia & Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience every 4 weeks, with her parents, for treatment. Much of her medical treatment is covered, but certainly not all, and uncovered medical expenses, travel, hotels, food and lost wages will all have an impact on this beautiful family of five (Clare has two big brothers who love her dearly). We begin this fight at Clare's side, loving and supporting her every step of the way. If you would like to donate to help with her care, medical and travel expenses know that it is so deeply appreciated. And even if you can't help financially, prayers, hopes and positive healing energy is equally appreciated,...

Clare MacDonell
Heidi Lowitzer


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