The Miracle House

The Miracle House

Memorial 4/6/2024 Whitsett, NC
Meghan Keith is raising money for this fundraiser.
Raised: $1,215 of $25,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Michael James Keith, 71, and a proud veteran of he United States Army, unexpectedly passed away in the early hours of April 1st, 2024. One of Michael’s final goals was to buy Rhonda and himself their forever home. They found their dream house by the pond and moved in last fall. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made towards Michael and Rhonda’s “Miracle House”. Michael's passion for his country and others, as well as his strong moral compass, led him to begin an impressive military career with the United States Army, where he served as CID Special Agent, a Military Policeman, and Warrant Officer before being honorably discharged in 1987. Following that, he took several civilian positions within the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division and later continued an expansive career in finance and private investigation. He will be remembered for his generosity and his desire to help others, as well as his storytelling. To know Mike was to know about a lot of topics you have ne...

Meghan Keith


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