Todd Greenberg fire relief fund

Todd Greenberg fire relief fund

Emergency 9/1/2024 Andice, TX
Kylie Bruner is raising money on behalf of Todd Greenberg.
Raised: $66,323 of $100,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Scroll down to read original story!UPDATE! From Shelly Sunday 9/22 update: Todd had a good day. PT/OT had him stand up a couple of times, then transferred him into the recliner. They also worked his arms and fingers. He had the voice valve in his trach most of the day, so he could talk when he wanted. He remains off of the ventilator, breathing O2 through his trach. Glenn Day came to visit yesterday, and Scott Leigh spent today with him. He is scheduled for surgery on his inhalation injury tomorrow. Pray for Todd: •healing of the inhalation injury •no infection •restful sleep •effective pain control •continued healing •peace & mercy in Todd’s memory of the fire. Thank you! Saturday 9/21 update: Todd was alert and responsive this morning, although he tired quickly. He remains off of the ventilator breathing O2 from the trach. Wound care came in at 1:30, so we opted to leave to take Nick to the airport. Nick had a good visit with Todd. Pray for Todd: •no infection •effective pain contro...

Todd Greenberg
Kylie Bruner


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